• What aspect of the internship experience added to your personal development?

I would definitely say interacting with a lot of people daily definitely helped with my social skills. Trying to coach kids who did not have any interest with what i was saying definitely helped with my patience and temperament. Speaking to larger groups of 100+ also helped with my public speaking.
  • What experiences on the job have related to your academic studies?

There has not been much carry over, just added to my experience and knowledge of sports administration and management, the business sides of sports, as well as dealing with facilities and budgeting.
  • What was the quality of supervision and communication with your supervisor?

It was unbelievable. Any help that was needed was given and John was always looking to give me advice and to help me improve.
  • How has the internship influenced your career objectives?

I would say that it definitely made me more aware of a back up plan. I want to play soccer professionally but coaching is definitely something I would look into.
  • If other students were considering this job, what advice would you pass on to them about this position?

This internship would be great for everyone who is looking into soccer coaching, but you do have to have patience and a good temperament cause times can be testing.

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