As part of the agreement to host our home games at Cathedral Prep High School, we were required to host a camp for the school. This was held at the Gates of Heaven fields. I was required to contact all the clubs from Erie to Cleveland to gather enough people for the camp. I attracted 140 players and we were able to host a camp for the week. The camp went from 9-4 Monday-Friday. the clubs were split up into age groups and the Erie Admirals players took one team each. I took the 13-14 years girls for the week. The camp was split into three 2 hour sessions with a 1 hour lunch break.
The first 2 hours was to be technical drills, to improve individual aspects of the players games. This was so that all the players were at full attention for the most important part of the camp. The second session were all fun, skills-based games. This was followed by the hour lunch break. After lunch it was all scrimmages to see off the rest of the day.

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